
他一生特別關注華人家庭關係及教會關係,貢獻良多。並藉寫作、著書服事華人教會及信徒。著作計有 《同心同行》, Before You Say I Do, Do You? 及與邱清萍姊妹合著的《教會衝突的處理與重建》等書。 游牧師與師母陳慈愛女士共有兩位兒子及四名孫兒。

Graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.’68) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (MA/PC, ‘83), Rev. Yew served as senior pastor in Pittsburgh Chinese Church in Pittsburgh, Pa. and Lord’s Grace Church in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. For over thirty years, he has served at Chinese Christian Mission in various capacities, including General Secretary. Since his retirement from CCM in 2011, he continues to speak at churches, retreats and conferences. His life long burden and interest center on relationships at home and at church. Among his writings, he co-authors a book with Ms Cecilia Yau in Chinese, Managing Church Conflict. Rev. and Mrs. Yew have two grown sons and four grand children.